Miami Beach Marina to Marina Jack Yacht Basin

Miami Beach Marina
Μέση ταχύτητα
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Εκτίμηση χρόνου
2 days, 10 hours, 12 minutes
1 day, 5 hours, 6 minutes
14 hours, 33 minutes
9 hours, 42 minutes
Get route planning for Miami Beach Marina to Marina Jack Yacht Basin with savvy navvy

Start Location
Miami Beach Marina

Miami Beach

Contact details for Miami Beach Marina

+1 (305) 673-6000
Lee Andrea, General Manager

End Location
Marina Jack Yacht Basin


Contact details for Marina Jack Yacht Basin

+1 (941) 955-9488, Dockmaster's Office
Patrick Lustro, General Manager

Route plan from Miami Beach Marina to Marina Jack Yacht Basin

Pilotage Plan from Miami Beach Marina to Marina Jack Yacht Basin

Departure: Miami Beach Marina
Begin your journey at the vibrant Miami Beach Marina, offering ample amenities for provisioning and preparations. Before departure, check weather forecasts, and ensure your craft is equipped with all safety gear, including life vests, a working VHF radio, and navigation charts.

Leg 1: Miami to Key Biscayne

  • Navigational Considerations: Upon leaving the marina, head south. Keep an eye out for the well-marked Government Cut shipping channel. It's essential to monitor VHF Channel 16 for any Port of Miami traffic advisories. Your first notable landmark is the Cape Florida Lighthouse on Key Biscayne, providing a picturesque waypoint.
  • Points of Interest: Stop at No Name Harbor within Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park for a quiet anchorage and the chance to explore or picnic near the lighthouse.

Leg 2: Key Biscayne to Key Largo

  • Navigation: Continue following the Hawk Channel, marked by a series of buoys and lights. This section offers deeper waters and clearer navigation, steering clear of the shallower and more hazardous Florida Reef to the east.
  • Shelter Bay: Rodriguez Key offers a good spot for shelter in poor weather, with its lee side providing protection from easterly winds.
  • Points of Interest: Consider a detour to John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park for snorkeling or diving in America’s first undersea park.

Leg 3: Key Largo to Marathon

  • Navigation: The route continues along Hawk Channel. Pay attention to the Middle Keys' beginning, marked by Channel Five Bridge, which provides a navigation reference point. The area is generally free of obstructions, but always stay vigilant for changing conditions and shallows near islands.
  • Shelter and Interest: Boot Key Harbor in Marathon is a well-equipped and protected marina, offering a comfortable pause for provisioning, dining, and even repairs if necessary.

Leg 4: Marathon to Key West

  • Route Considerations: This leg involves open water cruising with fewer shelter options, underlining the importance of weather checks. Navigation is straightforward along Hawk Channel with the Seven Mile Bridge being a significant landmark.
  • Key West Stop: A stop in Key West is a must. The city is not only a good point for rest and recreation but also offers historical sites like the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum, vibrant streets, and maritime charm.

Final Leg: Key West to Marina Jack Yacht Basin (Sarasota)

  • Navigation: After Key West, your journey takes you north into the Gulf of Mexico. This leg is for the more experienced boater due to its longer open water passages. Navigational aids are fewer, so rely on GPS navigation and keep updated on weather.
  • Hazards: Pay heed to the shipping lanes and the potential for fast-moving squalls in the Gulf. Use radar and AIS (Automatic Identification System) to avoid large vessels and stay informed of approaching weather.
  • Shelter Options: In case of bad weather, Charlotte Harbor offers a large and protected bay to anchor, alongside Punta Gorda for provisions.

Arrival: Marina Jack Yacht Basin
Concluding your journey at Marina Jack Yacht Basin, you'll find Sarasota welcoming with its sophisticated mix of cultural venues, restaurants, and beautiful landscapes.

Why This Route?
This itinerary is tailored for the adventurous boater who loves cruising over open waters with a mix of vibrant city stops and tranquil natural retreats. It offers the opportunity to experience the diverse marine ecosystems of Florida's coastline, coupled with the cultural richness of its coastal cities. While prioritizing safety by noting shelter bays and navigational aides, this route also weaves through some of the most scenic and inviting waters of the United States, making every leg of the journey a unique adventure.

Safety and Regulations:

  • Always check local boating regulations.
  • Monitor weather closely, especially during hurricane season.
  • Keep your navigation charts updated.
  • Maintain a clear watch and follow the Collision Regulations at sea.

Following this plan offers a blend of cruising in open waters and enjoying coastal towns' attractions, perfect for experienced boaters seeking adventure balanced with safety and interest.

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